2206 3rd Ave New Brighton, PA 15066 724-847-1918

Do We Really Need Car Touch Screens

Do we really need car touch screens?

Car touch screens are becoming increasingly common in new cars and offer a way to control various systems such as the radio, temperature controls and more with ease. However, the question remains: do we really need them?

The Pros

There are certainly benefits to having car touch screens. For one, they make it possible to control everything from music to air conditioning without ever taking your hands off the wheel. This can be incredibly convenient, especially on long drives.

The Cons

But there are also downsides to car touch screens. They can be dangerously distracting, particularly if you’re not familiar with all their features and where they’re located. Taking your eyes off the road for even a few seconds can be risky and potentially fatal.

Minimizing Distractions

Some car manufacturers are addressing these concerns by designing touch screens that can disappear into the dashboard when they’re not in use. Other features that minimize driver distraction include voice controls, heads-up displays that project images onto the windshield, and gesture controls.


In the end, it’s up to individual drivers to determine whether or not car touch screens are right for them. If you can use them without taking your eyes off the road, then they can be a valuable asset. But if you find them distracting, it might be best to stick with traditional buttons and knobs.

Do We Really Need Car Touch Screens

Do we really need car touch screens?

Car touch screens are becoming increasingly common in new cars and offer a way to control various systems such as the radio, temperature controls and more with ease. However, the question remains: do we really need them?

The Pros

There are certainly benefits to having car touch screens. For one, they make it possible to control everything from music to air conditioning without ever taking your hands off the wheel. This can be incredibly convenient, especially on long drives.

The Cons

But there are also downsides to car touch screens. They can be dangerously distracting, particularly if you’re not familiar with all their features and where they’re located. Taking your eyes off the road for even a few seconds can be risky and potentially fatal.

Minimizing Distractions

Some car manufacturers are addressing these concerns by designing touch screens that can disappear into the dashboard when they’re not in use. Other features that minimize driver distraction include voice controls, heads-up displays that project images onto the windshield, and gesture controls.


In the end, it’s up to individual drivers to determine whether or not car touch screens are right for them. If you can use them without taking your eyes off the road, then they can be a valuable asset. But if you find them distracting, it might be best to stick with traditional buttons and knobs.